Close but no cigar for Killer Tomato

We gotta spread good love for our 64:5 DJ Mr Killer Tomato. He made it to the final of the Red Bull sponsored 3 style DJ championship… Here’s the wordage from his blog: “Competitions are always a battle of nerves. Having competed in DMC many times I was used to the pre stage nerves, but had to remind my self not to get too excited. I find keeping a cool head and strong focus helps going into competitive situations. I always try not to pay too much attention to the competition just focus on the set.

“I was drawn 6th out of the 8 DJs competing, after Astrosnooze, which was nice as we where on stage together, plus the Cardiff crowd where hyped and ready. I was really pleased with my set, I pulled off all the technical aspects, the mixes was tight and the crowd responded to the introduction and ending well. I really thought the title was in the bag, but got beaten by Santero.

So, he wraps it all by saying: “Overall it was a fun night I was pleased with my performance and more than happy with the crowd response. It was great to meet Kissy Sell Out and A Trak, as well as Sinden and TY.

killer tomato makes ANOTHER UK dj final

So, our  boy KT is set for another UK final, following on from his recent appearence at the UK DMC‘s. This time he’s in the Red Bull 3style final.

Here’s the scoop from his blog:

“Last week Redbull‘s international DJ comp rolled into Cardiff for the South west leg of their UK Tour. Headed by Kissy Sellout, the competion focus more on mixing and tune selection than your normal DJ battle. If anything its quite a refreshing alternative to the head to head turntablist battle. The rules are as follows, play a minimum of 3 genres over 15 minutes, Djs are marked on crowd response record selection and technical ability.”

He continues: “I was up first. I had planned my set over two days and hit it almost perfectly. With few people in the club there was little crowd response so I managed to get through on technical ability and tune selection.
“So I am through to the UK final in Koko’s London on the 17th of November. If anyone would like to come down I have a number of concessions guest list places, email me and I will put you on the list. Hit him up through his blog
He says he’ll post a vid of his performance soon.