Oceandrift – out now

The latest offering from the 64 bar collective is now on Bandcamp, available as a name your own price download.

Oceandrift is a remix chain. What the hell is a remix chain?

Kelp explained: “A remix chain is the process of a second artist remixing a track delivered to them by the first artist, and then passing the stems of the remixed track onto a third artist, and so on. Eventually, the penultimate person passes their remixed stems back around to the original artist, who remixes all the remixes in one track to complete the chain”


“The results are astounding, considering each part of the chain only hears the previous track,” said Kovas, from 64 bar music.

“This is a bit of a break from the norm for 64bar, as the tracks aren’t constrained by the normal parameters of tempo or length.

Oceandrift is a marvelous journey from the opening track, which floats underwater, through hard-edged electronic noise and leading-edge progressive sounds. You can get it right now, here 

Hints of the remix chain

For a few months now previous contributors to the 64 bar challenge mixes and some other Ninja forum members have been collaborating together on a new project known at the moment as The Ninja Remix Chain. 64 Bar Music caught up with organiser Kelp to find out more..

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Cut and Run, four bars of flow

A while back, the Cut and Run project was devised by 64bar’s Techdef and Red Havoc, and on the day the video hits you tube, we thought it would be a cool idea to hightlight what is a very creative concept, done well.

Cut And Run is a musical version game of consequences ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consequences_(game) ).
The game was played between March and August 2011 by members of the Ninja Tune Records online community forum ( http://www.ninjatune.co.uk/forum/​ ).

The idea behind the game was that the first participant would produce four bars of original music, send the finished four bars to a nominated member who would assemble the finished pierce, and then send just their fourth bar to the next player who would then develop their own four bars from that point and repeat the process.

Certain rules were put in places to aid the process as outlined in this image: http://www.flickr.com/​photos/​redhavoc/​6043588948

Original forum thread here: http://www.ninjatune.co.uk/​forum/​messages.php?id=7066917&264

Widening the reach

After recording our biggest monthly viewers total in March by some distance, I thought it might be a good time to take a look at the hows, and whys our numbers went up up and away.

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98 bpm chosen

That’s right you have spoken.  And you have called for 98 bpm to be the tempo of choice for the next 64 bar mix

Cool beans. Deadline is Jan 31 2010. Get writing.

For those who havent done it before

Heres what to do.

Write a track 64 bars in length @ 98 bpm.. then tag on an 8 bar intro, and 8 bar outro for mixing purposes/

Bear in mind, the DJ we have for this is into his beat juggling.. so a percussive intro with tiny vocals that would lend itself to juggles would be good. But not mandatory, so if you wan’t to use alpine cowbells or space noises from Uranus. That’s fine.

Submit a .wav or aiff file to facebook.com/pages/64-bar-music/111105528932231?v=app_21600252317

thats a soundcloud dropbox.

lordy a fancy dj will be mixing 64:5

Hold up, Killer Tomato is the man who’ll be responsible for blending the fifth 64 bar challenge mix.

We’re all chuffed with this. Because he is the bomb. He’s also brave as the tempo of the mix hasn’t been decided.

Take a look at his Soundcloud page

Here’s some info about him: >>his blog<>here<< for his myspace