KAL keeps it reel (2reel)

KAL tape KOBRA AUDIO LABS will release their “two blue towers” handmade cassette and CD pack in December.

64bar spoke to the Scottish production unit to find out what your money will buy, why spend that money, and why they have gone back to their roots and released a c50 cassette. Continue reading

Bobby Corridor drops lyrics

Bobby CorridorWith the 64bar challenge Vol 6 just around the corner. We spoke to the big cheese, Bobby Corridor. This is the man who has more 64bar beats in the catalogue than any one else.
He’s been there since day one, and virtually owned the second mix with four tracks making the final album. Read more after the jump>>
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Lopez – Dropping bombs

Lopez are three DJ/producers originally from Paraguay who have been making beat music for a few years now with releases on Keep Up! and Brownswood.

They lit up 64:5 with three ridiculously hot tracks, and have a pair of EP’s coming out in the next couple of weeks via Junodownload.com so 64bar spent some time chatting to Cosmo Lopez. (that’s the handsome one on the left of the picture above)

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Click >>– dj-kovas-timeframe-2009-. << for the beats

Let’s remind ourselves of this gem from Kovas from last year. It’s a selection of works from kovas’ vaults from 2006-2009, and is a electronic flow through the darklands of  his imagination.

He says: “I look at Timeframe as my long overdue debut album. It’s 17 tracks, including a few interludes that I had been working on for a couple of years, here and there. It got to a point where I realised I had a body of work which was coherent enough to put out as a single piece.

“The mood is mostly sinister, and at times downbeat. For some reason I just don’t tend to write euphoric, or uplifting songs. I like the darkness, I like tunes to have space to breath and I think that comes through in this.

Standout tracks include True Force and the Blanket, both from 2006.

Kovas says:  “I suppose The Blanket was me testing out a mood than some would describe as post dubstep, its a real nightcrawler and has tons of atmosphere. ”

There are a few tracks on the mix that made it onto other projects. Cutt (track 6) featured on the 13 Point Shuriken Hur this (track 12) was on Benevolent Beats and God’s plan (track 3) was on 64:1